Hey everybody!!! Wow, it's been a little while since I last wrote. Life is still going really great for us out here. We have been spending lots and lots of time together and it's been great. We have watched the Olympics every night for the past two weeks. I even got Will pretty interested in Gymnastics. I have orientation this week and I have mainly been trying to do my homework assignment for that. I was pretty frustrated the first day trying to figure out how to brief a case but I think I have the hang of it now. Well at least I hope. I guess I'll find out soon. Will is working for a painting business and he is enjoying it. He says he is learning a lot of different techniques. The other night we had a HUGE thunderstorm. It was so loud that I thought our glass windows were going to break and will counted from the lightning till the thunder to see how far away it was and he only made it to 1 before a huge roll of thunder came. It rained from 8 at night until 5 or 6 the next morning. I couldn't believe it. Now I know why its soooo green here. We are looking to get a little car that gets good gas mileage for Will to drive to work. Our Yukon is too expensive for how far he has to drive to work everyday. Will found a little VW Jetta we are trying to buy. We should know today if we can get it or not. Will went golfing with our neighbor Mike the other day and brought back like 90 golf balls he found on the course. I thought that was pretty amazing. He went golfing for like five hours and I got sooo much homework done while he was gone. Will cooked a really nice breakfast for us on Saturday. He made eggs, sausage, wheat pancakes, and some orange rolls. They are really good. I am in need of some good recipes for some desserts. I am getting bored with the ones I have so if anyone has one they want to share, please just put it on my blog and I will try it. Oh yeah, we found out we have beeen going to the wrong ward at church, so starting next week we will be in the Lake Orion Ward. We love you all and don't be strangers. We love to hear from you!!!!!!
Flawed start....Flawless finish!
3 weeks ago
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