Hey eveyone out in Utah!!!
We are about six days into our official being citizens of the state of Michigan and we are loving it. It's so beautiful back here. I have never seen so many lakes and big, huge green trees all over in one place before. We look out our back balcony and it 's like looking into a huge swamp or marsh. The first day we got here, I got attacked by mosquitoes and had about 20 bites. My legs were all swollen up. But today they are doing much better. We moved all of our stuff into our garage and began painting our house. We painted with a traditional tan color and did a couple accent walls. Yesterday we were able to finally start moving some of our furniture into our house and now it feels like home. Will went for a job interview our third day here and got the job. Unfortunatley, the job was not at all what they said it was. His first day on the job, they trained hiim for two hours and sent him in a van with a bunch of other guys down into the ghetto of Detroit. I knew all day that something wasn't right when he wouldn't tell me anything about his job. He got home Saturday night and then told me the whole story. YIKES!!! No more jobs like that one. So now he is looking online and in the classifieds to find one. I got a packet from school that has the reading I need to have finished for orientation. I am really really excited to start school. Well, we are going to continute painting today and get everything else all moved in. I will attach some before pictures of our house and then later tonight when we get it all decorated I will attach the after pictures. We love you all and miss you tons but can't wait 'till you all can come visit us !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Flawed start....Flawless finish!
3 weeks ago
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